To work locally, regionally and globally to protect biodiversity and encourage sustainable communities in Canada’s Columbia and Rocky Mountain regions.
We are a community-based cooperative working to build a healthy and resilient region through collaboration, education, media and net-positive initiatives.
At the Four Nations Coalition of Indigenous medicines we are dedicated to offering teachings and services that enhance all people’s connection to nature, their creators and each other. We want [...]
The vision of the KBEE to better support students’ understanding of their local environment and empowering thoughtful action, through learning that is outdoor, experiential, place-based and [...]
B.C.’s largest network for new and young farmers! Our mission is to grow the next generation of farmers and food lovers in Canada! In the Columbia Basin we offer business mentorship, land [...]
To promote home economics, public health, child welfare, education and better schools. Includes the Ecological Services Initiative to research and demonstrate a voluntary incentive-based model [...]
To develop and provide services and programs which contribute to a thriving community and enhance the quality of life for North Kootenay Lake residents. This includes the Kaslo Food Security [...]
To be involved and well-informed on the value and need of a healthy, sustainable, local food supply that is respectfully accessible, safe, healthy and available to all.