Young Agrarians Kootenay Chapter

Youth Adults
Spring Summer Fall Winter

Perfect for: Youth, Adults.

B.C.’s largest network for new and young farmers! Our mission is to grow the next generation of farmers and food lovers in Canada!

In the Columbia Basin we offer business mentorship, land matching services and educational networking events. Visit our website for more information.

Regional Districts:RDCK, RDEK, RDKB
School Districts:SD5, SD6, SD8, SD10, SD20
Activities:Events, Resources, Stewardship/Sustainability Projects, Workshops/Training

Business Mentorship: 
  We pair up new farms in start-up with experienced farm mentors with production and business development skills.  More Info

Land Matching: 
  We pair up new farmers with land.  More Info

Educational & Networking Events: 
  We coordinate events for new and young farmers to network and grow skills and connections.  More Info

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