Wildsight – Elk Valley Branch

K-12 Students Children Adults Families
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Climate Change Food Forestry/Silviculture Sustainable Living Water Ecosystems/Wildlife

Perfect for: K-12 Students, Children, Adults, Families.

To work locally, regionally and globally to protect biodiversity and encourage sustainable communities in Canada’s Columbia and Rocky Mountain regions.

Regional Districts:RDEK
School Districts:SD5
Activities:Field Studies, Events, Nature Appreciation, Outdoor/Learning Centres, Resources, Stewardship/Sustainability Projects, Workshops/Training

Keeping Food Real: 
  Keeping Food Real aims to support the citizens and communities of the Elk Valley in growing their own food by providing online cold climate educational resources and hands-on practical workshops that  More Info

Apple Capture and Tool Share: 
  The East Kootenay is home to many fruit trees. When the fruit is left to fall off the trees and rot, it attracts local wildlife—including deer and bears. Wildsight’s Apple Capture is here to help you  More Info

Wild Nature Tours: 
  Discover the unique history of the East Kootenay by participating on one of our Wild Nature Workshops! Join Lee-Anne Walker and other experienced naturalists as they lead you in a fun and informative  More Info

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