2016 Inquiring Voices Sustainability Symposium

 In News

2016-inquiring-voices-sustainability-symposium_final-reportOur 2016 Inquiring Voices Sustainability Symposium took place in spectacular Glacier National Park at the Alpine Club of Canada’s Wheeler Hut.

It brought together 20 educators who live in the same bioregion to form a rich learning community meet to share, inquire, support, and collaborate with one another. This event is intentionally small-scale, and capitalizes on the personal connections that are possible with a group this size. This year, the event sold out 4 months ahead of time.

Major themes included:

  1. Climate Change Education
  2. The Value of Play
  3. Exemplars & Mentors
  4. EE & Technology
  5. Connecting to Place
  6. Math in the Outdoors
  7. EE Journaling Techniques
  8. Maintaining a Balance


Each of these themes was looked at by a focus group, and their findings were reported back to the larger group for discussion.

In addition, every participant was given an opportunity to share an excellent EE activity or resource that the rest of the group could benefit from.

We were pleased to be able to offer this event with the support of Columbia Basin Trust, Parks Canada and Kicking Horse Coffee.


Participant feedback: 

“I really appreciate the energy, passion, and thought that go into each of these events. You really do think of every little detail, even the ones that people probably don’t notice. You do a wonderful job of connecting and communicating beforehand, during and after an event. I am always telling others that CBEEN offers, by far, the best professional development!”

“The knowledge in the room was awesome, and the willingness of everyone to participate fully.”

“I appreciated the chance to really get to know everyone and share. This Symposium was a great mix of relaxation and productivity!”

“Thanks for a fabulous, inspiring weekend. I love the boost of energy and enthusiasm I get for teaching people about nature from this symposium.”

 “The event was a “10”. It was perfect. The perfect people were here in a perfect place talking about and deeply thinking on critical themes that run through our personal and professional lives.”


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