Wild Voices Community Educator with CBEEN!

 In Opportunities

Are you a forester or geographer?Β  A biologist or mountain guide?Β  A historian or Indigenous storyteller?Β  Do you have some unique knowledge, skill, or expertise youΒ can share withΒ students?Β  If so, we’d like to connect with you!

Wild Voices for Kids is a program of the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network. It is a unique program in the Basin as it enables local specialists to develop programs connected to the local environment and tailored to their area of expertise and passion. Each educator brings their own unique knowledge of environment or natural history, adds their passion for education, and creates classroom or field-based programs that will both captivate students and satisfy the learning objectives of teachers.

Community Educators are the heart and soul of the Wild Voices for Kids program!

Wild Voices for Kids promotes presenters and their programs, and provides cash honoraria to community educators.

Community Educator applications and program submissions are assessed for approval by the Wild Voices Advisory Committee.

For more information, please visit: cbeen.ca/wildvoices-educator , or email the Wild Voices program manager at wildvoices@cbeen.org.

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