Teacher How Tos

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How Do I Book A Presentation?

1. Register in the CBEEN System

Register as a teacher in the CBEEN System or become a CBEEN member

2. Add Your Classes

  1. Be sure you’re logged in – go to the CBEEN Login page and enter your email and password (if you’ve misplaced your password, click Lost Password? and you’ll receive an email reminder).
  2. Once logged in, add your classes by going to My Profile/My Classes.
  3. Fill out all fields and hit the button Add Class. Your class can now be seen in the “Draft” tab.
  4. To confirm the class add, hit the button Publish.
  5. If you’re no longer teaching a class and want to delete it permanently, select Trashed from the Status dropdown (default is Active) or set the class to Disabled until you’re teaching it again.

3. Make a Booking

  1. Be sure you’re logged in – go to the CBEEN Login page.
  2. Once logged in, go to Find WVFK Presentations.
  3. Browse the Presentations.
  4. Click View Presentation.
  5. Select Booking time – this is a suggestion only to begin the discussion.
  6. A Booking Request is sent to the Community Educator and the dialogue begins within the CBEEN Booking System via the Messaging Centre (see the top right link Messages in your account – new messages are indicated by a yellow circle).
  7. Once you’ve come to consensus on date and time, return to the original booking you made under My Bookings/Pending Bookings.
  8. Select Edit, scroll down to Booking Time and update the date and time, and select the Update button.
  9. The Educator will receive a notification and will Approve the booking.
  10. The booking is then approved by CBEEN admin. You’ll be able to view the booking on the Approved tab in My WVFK Bookings.

*If you opt to cover costs of a booking to get more great programing with other funding simply look in the box below the green “photo reminder” box and choose the “Yes, I can arrange payment for this booking.”  You will be emailed an invoice.


I tried to make a booking and it says “Sorry your school is not affiliated with a School District. Please update your profile.”

  • Follow the link to your profile or click on the My Profile icon on the middle right side of your screen.
  • Scroll to School Affiliation.
  • Use the dropdown to find your school. Select and click the Update button.
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