Online Live Learning Events for Educators

We are pleased to offer the following webinars in partnership with our members and partners.

Nature-Based Biology Activities from a Distance

Wednesday, September 16

4:30-6:00pm Pacific/ 5:30-7:00pm Mountain

Facilitated by Cathy Law / Hosted by Green Teacher

Getting kids outside to learn science couldn’t come at a better time now that we all need to be cautious about working in groups. Outdoor learning activities based on inquiry and discovery make your students’ learning experience both meaningful and memorable, but most importantly, FUN! Join in on the adventure and preview labs for yourself and see how you can bring excitement into your classroom by not using one! These activity ideas work really well for students under quarantine, too. Separately but together, students will enjoy learning in the finest class setting of them all β€” Mother Nature.

Virtual Classrooms to Communities Provincial Conference

Friday, October 23

Facilitated by the Classrooms to Communities Network (including CBEEN, KBEE & EEPSA)

Place-Based Learning is a core foundation of our curriculum in B.C.. Educators and students across the province are excited to be inquiring about issues and priorities that matter most to our communities with a β€˜local lens’. By helping educators connect classroom and community through a focus on people, place and planet, this online professional development event will inspire promising practices and transformative learning in our schools and communities.

Because of COVID-19, this is a unique conference, in that we will be delivering all of our workshops digitally. Despite not being able to gather face-to-face in community spaces, the focus of the conference is still how to connect students to their communities.


Finding Hope Through Connecting to the Land with Chief Joe Pierre

Creative Solutions in Our Time of Crisis

Financial Supports for Environmental Non-profits in SE BC during COVID-19

Staying the Same, Yet, Totally Different

Zoom 101 for Educators

Plugged In: A Practical Guide to Moving Place-Based Learning Online

The Webinar on Webinars

The Joy of Garden-based Education

The Art and Science of Teaching Climate Change

Tips & Strategies for the Environmental Education Community for Communications during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction to Inquiry Learning

Students as Stewards: How to engage your students to become active environmental stewards

EE & the Redesigned BC Curriculum: Place-based, inquiry-based and experiential learning for the 21st Century

Inspiring Places: Exploring outdoor learning spaces withΒ young children


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