CBEEN - Wild Voices - Loon


  • Wild Voices Program Proposal Submission Form

    Wild Voices for Kids supports individuals who have specific knowledge or expertise connected to the local environment that can be shared with students in the Columbia Basin region of British Columbia. While developing your Wild Voices program submission please consider:
    • How this program is connected to your specific area of expertise;
    • How this program is relevant to the environment or natural history of the Columbia Basin region of BC, specifically to the communities, Indigenous Peoples place based culture and languages, and places (landscape and waterways) that you will be offering the program; and
    • How this program will help “students develop stronger ties to their community [and] enhance [their] appreciation for the natural world” (David Sobel).
    Please review the Wild Voices Community Educator Guidelines before developing your program.

    For questions or support with program submission, please contact Mia at wildvoices@cbeen.org.

  • Educator Information

  • Program Details

  • Minimum number of days out that a teacher can make a booking request:
  • On the program listing in the online database, display my:
  • Please include information about partnership contacts, resources, permissions, territory acknowledgements, and any other information related to Indigenous Peoples Knowledge shared in the program.
  • 1-2 sentences that concisely and effectively describe the overarching main idea or theme of your program.
  • - If your program involves an outdoor component, consider natural spaces commonly close to schools - can you use green space on school properties or natural areas in walking distance nearby? If so, please indicate this here.

    - If your program will take place at an offsite location that requires transport by bus, please indicate so here. While location may vary based on where the program is delivered, please list or describe a few examples of suitable field-study locations. Please indicate if your program will take place at a BC Provincial Park.

    - If your program is inclusive of Indigenous Peoples perspectives, please indicate if you are using a land acknowledgement in addition to a location and place name. If you are planning on accessing reserve lands, please ensure you have properly requested access through local band council administration and school, where appropriate.
  • - Please list anticipated required materials and sources here. Consider how you can simplify the materials required and utilize resources accessible to you or available at most schools.

    - Please indicate if Indigenous Peoples content will require harvesting of natural resources and who will be leading the harvesting of materials, and whether that is in advance of the session.
  • * If you think Indigenous Learning applies to your program, please review the Indigenous Education Policy before selecting this category.
  • List one to five key concepts that will be explored through your program. Each should be connected to the main idea.
  • Please suggest a few ways that your program connects to the BC curriculum. You may also reference the First Peoples Principles of Learning. For support on linking your program to these documents, contact wildvoices@cbeen.org.

  • Program Description & Plan

  • 1 – 2 concise paragraphs to describe your program to teachers. Take into consideration what teachers need to know about your program and what will interest the teachers so they will want to request a booking. This is the description that will show up in the Wild Voices program database.

  • - While we encourage that programs are responsive to the unique inquiries and exploration that will emerge with each class, we ask for an overview framework of planned activities.In point form, please outline an overview of the progression of activities that your program will involve.

    - If this activity plan incorporates Indigenous Peoples knowledge and participation, please explain.
  • Please identify potential risks and ways you will mitigate these risks. Consider possible hazards including but not limited to those connected to location, activity, weather, and group-management. Please click here to review the CE Guidelines, specifically sections 10 - 12 on program delivery.
  • Please include any additional information you feel is relevant.

For questions or support with program submission, please contact Mia at wildvoices@cbeen.org.

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