Mainstreams Environmental Society

K-12 Students Children Youth Adults Families
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Climate Change Water Ecosystems/Wildlife

Perfect for: K-12 Students, Children, Youth, Adults, Families.

To educate and heighten awareness on water related issues and solutions relying upon the use of sound science.

Regional Districts:RDEK
School Districts:SD5, SD6, SD8, SD10, SD19, SD20
Activities:Field Studies, Presentations, Citizen Science, Resources, Stewardship/Sustainability Projects

Stream Trailer: 
  Mainstreams owns a Stream Trailer for teaching stream dynamics and the importance of riparian vegetation.  More Info

Climate Change Adaptation 1.0 - Strategies for the Kootenays : 
  Climate Change Adaptation in the Columbia Basin is positive and solutions based (not doom-and-gloom).  More Info

Climate Change Adaptation 2.0 - Living with Wildfire: 
  How can vulnerable communities protect themselves from wildfires?  More Info

Macroinvertebrate Ecology: 
  A series of classroom programs for elementary school where students discover through exploration, different strategies various macro invertebrates use to eat and live.  More Info

  Learn more about these extraordinary water engineers!  More Info

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