Mainstreams Environmental Society
Audience: | Seasons: | Themes: |
Perfect for: K-12 Students, Children, Youth, Adults, Families.
To educate and heighten awareness on water related issues and solutions relying upon the use of sound science.
Regional Districts: | RDEK |
School Districts: | SD5, SD6, SD8, SD10, SD19, SD20 |
Activities: | Field Studies, Presentations, Citizen Science, Resources, Stewardship/Sustainability Projects |
Stream Trailer:
Mainstreams owns a Stream Trailer for teaching stream dynamics and the importance of riparian vegetation.
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Climate Change Adaptation 1.0 - Strategies for the Kootenays :
Climate Change Adaptation in the Columbia Basin is positive and solutions based (not doom-and-gloom).
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Climate Change Adaptation 2.0 - Living with Wildfire:
How can vulnerable communities protect themselves from wildfires?
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Macroinvertebrate Ecology:
A series of classroom programs for elementary school where students discover through exploration, different strategies various macro invertebrates use to eat and live.
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