Dave Quinn receives CBEEN bursary to do Avalanche Instructor Training

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a_man_standing_outside_in_a_jacket_and_tuqueCBEEN recently was able to support Dave Quinn in completing his Avalanche Canada AST Instructor Training through our Professional Development Bursary Program. This training was important to ensuring Dave could continue to offer youth-focussed Avalanche Skills Training programs are all part of curriculum-based Outdoor Skills or Outdoor Careers programs in the Columbia Basin.

Through this training Dave learned about alterations to the evolving AST program, including the simplification and focussing of the AST curriculum to overlay Human Factors that lead to avalanche accidents over the five core concepts. He was able to discuss challenging lesson plans and specific techniques from 17 other instructors to deliver these more effectively. He was able to specifically address the Avaluator decision making tool, its limitations and strengths, and ways to effectively teach students how to use this simple tool.

Check out Dave’s Wild Voices for Kids Avalanche Skills Program by clicking here.


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