We look forward to embarking on this Every Child Matters Four Seasons of Reconciliation learning journey with you.

Before we begin, we wanted to make you aware of a few things:

  1. You can watch the recordings of the virtual gatherings we’ve already had here: https://cbeen.ca/every-child-matters-recordings
  2. Within 10 days you will receive a personal login link from Reconciliation Education. We recommend that when you get this, that you make sure that you can access the learning portal, bookmark this page, and undertake the ‘Getting Started’ steps and catch up on any modules, as per the schedule below.
  3. At the beginning of each month we will open a new learning module, and you will be invited to undertake the required learning & tasks to complete this by the end of the month (20-30 minutes/month).
  4. From time to time we will offer some additional learning extension opportunities should you wish to dive deeper into this
  5. And we will provide opportunities to come together virtually to hear from Indigenous leaders/knowledge holders who can speak to the topic at hand (30-60 mins/month).

Here’s the outline of the learning for the year ahead: 

Month Module
September Getting Started
October Module 1 – 3rd World Canada
November Module 2 – Colonial Lens
December Module 3 – Pre-Contact
January Module 4 – Treaties
February Module 5 – Residential Schools
March Module 6 – UNDRIP
April Module 7 – Indigenous Relations
May Module 8 – Reconciliation
June Module 9 & 10 – Restitution & Final Assessment


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