We now offer several Ktunaxa learning resources!

We just brought on q̓apkiǂ (Ktunaxa v: to tell someone everything) which is a beautifully designed and presented legacy publication (164 pages) that celebrates Ktunaxa Peoples, communities and the Nation through culture, stories, history, profiles, photography, art and design.

We also worked closely with Alfred Joseph to publish the Ktunaxa Nature Walk featuring 150 Ktunaxa words/phrases, with associated picture/descriptions, and each with their own QR code which takes you to an audio recording of Alfred saying this word/phrase.

And you can also order ?a-kxam̓is q̓api qapsin (All Living Things) features 23 common plants, including beautiful colour images, their description, habitat, and traditional uses by the Ktunaxa.

You can order all of these through CBEEN’s Outdoor Learning Store social enterprise, with 100% of proceeds going back to supporting local environmental and outdoor learning initiatives, including supporting the development and delivery of resources like these.

Click here to learn more & order

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